Welcome to Sustainable Development Goals Open Space Community of Practice!
The three of us, Vanh Mixap, Lachlan Guthrie and Clinton Moore are passionate about creating positive changes and we are bringing together young people and practitioners from all backgrounds who want to use their skills and experience to make a difference. We will partner with industry leaders for guidance, and provide capacity building and leadership development. We will leave the leadership in the hands of the youth that want to achieve the SDGs. We don’t know where this will go yet but we believe that by bringing challenges to smart and committed people they will create exciting and innovative solutions. We have run two Open Space so far, one in Melbourne and one in Brisbane.

New Service Offering
SDGs Open Space: From a global agenda to everyone’s agenda
“Sometimes you have to disrupt what seems to be working so you can fix all of it” –participant
YesEM unleashes different perspectives, beliefs and solutions to your challenges by providing you with an interactive and engaging 90 minutes session so that the next hopeful steps are revelled and owned by you.
When we see the value of aligning the “what’s in it for me” mindset to what we do with our team and organisational goals, reporting on our progress against SDGs can be more rewarding and productive rather than a burden. YesEM is taking the bottom-up approach to achieving the SDGs. We want to link and celebrate people who are doing great things and or want to make a change but don’t know where to start or how to connect.
“Belief I need to let go of is that challenges are too big to tackle. You can do it, if we all do our part, change will be huge. Everything starts with you” – participant
YesEM is passionate about enriching potentials through respect. We are creating an environment where people are respected and valued regardless of their position, age, gender and appearance; the value beneath the skin. That is why we commit to transforming the global agenda to everyone’s agenda.
During this 90-minute session, we will unpack what SDGs mean to each of us individually and the possibilities and opportunities to leverage other SDGs to achieve an SDG that you choose, and most importantly to develop strategies to scale up, level up and speed up your positive impacts.
“Now I am being challenged in my own perspective after the discussion on the 5Ps”- participant
The session targets people who are interested to expand their networks and perspectives beyond their own discipline/sector and those who are passionate and curious about cross sector and intergenerational collaboration.
Contact: Vanh Mixap, Founder, Yes Everyone Matters, if you are interested in this interactive and engaging 90 minutes session that will kick start your transformational journey from the global agenda to everyone’s agenda.
Sustainable development goals: What? so what? now what?
Do you know how you can help those that need it the most? Do you want to develop connections and understanding outside of your chosen discipline? We believe that when people with different perspectives come together with an open mind, amazing things happen. This is the power of interdisciplinary and intergenerational collaboration!
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals that each country is aiming to achieve by 2030 to improve the lives of their citizens. The strength of the SDG framework lies in the interlinkages between the SDGs. A systems change approach to the SDGs recognises the systemic interconnections, trade-offs, and seeks to address challenges within a holistic approach. These approaches can help drive us towards transformational change.

Meet The Team

Lachlan is a water engineer that is passionate about the SDGs. After working in Cambodia and attending the UNLEASH innovation lab, now co-chairs the SDG Specialist Network for the Australian Water Association.
Clinton was an inaugural SDSN Youth Local Pathways Fellow for the SDGs. He continues to be inspired by the transformational potential of the SDGs for humanity and development.